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What Is Postman: What Are the Benefits Of Using It?


To begin with, Postman is an API testing tool that helps developers in building, testing, designing, modifying, and documenting API. In addition, it eliminates the need for any HTTP client network code and allows users to build test suites called collections. Moreover, it is capable of making multiple types of HTTP requests such as GET, POST, PUT, PATCH. Etc

Features Of Postman:

Postman helps a user in accessing data in the postman account. In addition, it allows you to perform all the classic CRUD operations on your collections and environments. It comes with a feature called the Webhooks folder that lets you trigger a collection run with an API call to the webhook. To further know about the working and functioning of this tool, one can visit Postman Online Training. Apart from these, given below are some of the features of the Postman API testing tool.

  • Postman Echo- Echo helps in testing the REST clients and making sample API calls. Above all, it allows you to check what you are sending to a server without the need to analyze backend logs.
  • Postman Visualizer- With this feature, a user can easily visually represent your request responses. In addition, it helps you in understanding this response data easily.
  • Built-in Libraries- This tool comes with a built-in suite of external libraries. These libraries help developers by providing functionality not necessarily built into JavaScript.
  • Workflow Control- It provides a workflow control for users and allows them to use conditional logic in the Pre-request or Tests tab. Moreover, you can choose exactly which requests run and in what order.
  • Collaboration Features- Postman ensures commenting, forking, branching, pull requests, tagging. Etc. It allows you to work together and make the task a group effort.
  • Monitors for Regression Testing- Monitors keep you up to date and make you aware of the health and performance of your API. In addition, you can run monitors against different development environments by combining them together.

Benefits Of using Postman:

Postman comes with a wide range of features and tools that makes it an ideal software testing software. In addition, it comes with inbuilt GraphQL support and libraries. Moreover, it provides you the ability to write code in the Pre-request and Tests tabs that run before and after each request in the collection. It consists of Documentation Pizzaz that allows you to add images and gifs to your documentation. Due to its multiple benefits, many companies use this tool for test software. Moreover, there are many institutes that provide Postman Training in Gurgaon. Apart from these, given below are the benefits of using Postman.

  • Ensures Accessibility- This tool provides high accessibility and ensures that a user can easily access it from anywhere. All you need to do is install it on a device and simply log in.
  • Use Collections- It helps users in building collections of their API calls by creating multiple requests and folders. In addition, it results in organizing the test suites.
  • Test Development- Postman helps in testing development and checkpoints. In addition, it adds verification of successful HTTP response status to every API call.
  • Automation Testing- It further helps in conducting tests in several repetitions with the help of Collection Runner or Newman. Moreover, they save time for repeated tests.
  • Creating Environments- It helps in designing multiple environments that help in reducing replications. In addition, it allows a user to use the same collection for a different setting.
  • Debugging- Postman tracks where data is being retrieved. This approach helps in effectively debugging the tests.
  • Ensures Collaboration- This tool supports collaboration and allows a user to import and export files or environments. In addition, it also allows you use use a direct connection to share data.

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