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How I Moved On After a Breakup

The pain/ breakup of ending a relationship is powerful. I can never forget the first girl I ever dated in high school, Courtney. She was really sweet, one of the only people who would put up with me at that time. It took us three years before we finally parted ways, and it was her idea. As painful as it was to lose her, especially since she was my first love, there were some things about it that I’m glad happened.

Write about your emotional state

You’re feeling a bit down right now. You’re not really sure why, but you think it might be because you were up late last night studying. You’re feeling a bit down right now. You’re not really sure why, but you think it might be because you were up late last night studying.


What’s Not Working For You Right Now

I am not making any progress in my current endeavours. My current projects are giving me no satisfaction and I find myself not making any progress.

“Writing about my emotions on a daily helps me face them more rationally.

What are the things you are doing to improve yourself?

I am striving to do things that will better my self-esteem and mental health. I’m doing all of the things that I can think of such as reading, writing, and talking about my feelings. I am striving to do things that will improve my self-esteem and mental health. I’m doing all of the things that I can think of such as reading, writing, and talking about my feelings.

What are the healthy things you do to cope

I try to get enough sleep -I eat healthy foods -I exercise I try to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise.

How do you cope with anxiety

-I avoid the situations that cause me anxiety -I take action to stop myself from getting anxious -I talk to people who understand my feelings I avoid the situations that cause me anxiety, take action to stop myself from getting anxious, and talk to

people who understand my feelings.

How did you cope when you first began to have panic attacks?

I told myself I was fine and could handle it. I accepted that the feeling would go away and never return -I tried to ignore the feeling and find a distraction

(eg. talking on the phone) until it went away.

How do you feel now about your panic attacks?

-When I panic now I know I can get help if I want it -The most important thing is not to let them control my life -My confidence has improved as a

How you are feeling in general

I am feeling like I would like to go outside and play in the snow. I feel like I want to go outside and play in the snow.

I’m feeling good in general. I’m feeling really good in general.

Is it really that bad

It’s about an insecure girl who believes she can never be loved for who she is and believes her flaws will ruin any chance of getting into a relationship. She has low self-esteem and is always anxious that there is something wrong with her and that it’s only a matter of time before the truth is revealed.


Read more: How to improve yourself after a break up

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