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Can A Root Canal Be Done By A Dentist?

Root canal therapy has been around since the 1800s, when it was first used to treat tooth pain by removing infected tissues from the roots of teeth. Although it’s now possible to find dentist pearland texas who perform this procedure, there are some common questions about root canals that many patients have, so let’s discuss with dentists in pearland them now!

The Connection Between Teeth And The Body


The relationship between teeth and other parts of your body is an important one. Your mouth is home to several thousand microscopic bacteria, many of which reside in your teeth. When these tiny bugs aren’t causing any pain or problems, they can actually help you fight off infection elsewhere in your body. For example, Streptococcus salivarius has been shown to fight off E. coli and candidal infections when it resides in our mouths.

However, if bacteria (or worse yet viruses) in your mouth escape into your bloodstream, they can wreak havoc on other organs. You could experience heart attacks, strokes, migraines and a host of digestive issues – all from something as simple as a toothache! So how do we keep those pesky microbes from wreaking havoc inside our bodies?

One way is to make sure we see a dentists in pearland regularly for checkups; more importantly though is paying attention to what we put into our mouths. Some types of food are more likely than others to contribute towards serious oral disease; anyone who eats lots of sugar should be particularly careful since sugar can speed up tooth decay by feeding cavity-causing germs.

Symptoms of Tooth Decay


Tooth decay is one of the most common reasons for a root canal. There are many symptoms, but they can typically be summed up into three categories: sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, pain when chewing and/or sensitivity to touch or pressure. Dentists in pearland the pain can happen without provocation; you may notice it suddenly when you eat or drink something cold or hot, or while biting down on an object like popcorn kernels. It may then lessen and come back periodically as your teeth break down over time. When these symptoms occur near a tooth’s nerve—which is also called an apical foramen—it’s time to seek help from a dentist in Pearland TX.

Don’t delay because left untreated it could lead to swelling and infection within your jawbone that could spread further. For example, if you didn’t treat a decaying wisdom tooth, nearby nerves could get infected and cause swelling in your face. A dentist with experience performing root canals might prescribe antibiotics to fight off infection before it becomes serious; otherwise, you’ll have no choice but to go under anesthesia for major surgery that involves removing part of your jawbone along with the offending tooth.

This will likely require reconstructive surgery afterwards (think fillings). Instead of suffering through all that dental trauma, see a Houston-area dentist who has years of experience. Dealing with problematic teeth at every stage so he or she can take care of any issues quickly before they become more serious problems!

When To See A Dentist For A Toothache


Need to find a dentist in Pearland for an emergency root canal? It’s important to not waste time with toothaches. A healthy mouth is your best defense against decay and infection—and it’s easier to maintain that health with regular visits to your dentist. Here are a few symptoms that will tell you when it’s time to see a dentist

Procedure Of A Root Canal


A root canal procedure is used to save a damaged tooth from an infection. And can be done by your dentist in Pearland, Texas. A root canal may also be referred to as endodontic treatment or a dental pulp chamber therapy. The main function of root canal therapy is to eliminate pain. Or discomfort caused by infection in one or more of your. Teeth due to pulpal necrosis (meaning death of tissues that make up your teeth).

Although you may still have pain after receiving a root canal, it should subside over time. Below we outline what is involved with getting a root canal treatment done. In your dentist’s office Your dentist will perform a thorough examination and work closely. With his/her dental assistant to prepare for your root canal treatment by taking x-rays (digital imaging) so he. Or she can see inside your mouth and detect any tooth issues at play. He or she will then perform your actual root canal procedure, which typically takes 30-60 minutes. During endodontic procedures like these, specialized instruments are often used such as ultrasonic files. That are powered using high-frequency sound waves; although some dentists in pearland do use drills for access into tooth roots when needed.

Things To Know Before Having A Root Canal


Before you have a root canal, you’ll need to know what exactly is involved in root canal treatment. Dr. Andy Pinnavaia (our general dentist) has answered some of your most common questions. Dentists in pearland Why choose a  In most cases it is not necessary to see an endodontist. Because 80% of dental issues can be handled by your we usually schedule. About 3 hours for each appointment, but if you only need one session that’s often fine.

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