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10 Smart and efficient packing tips for a stress-free move

Your moving day has been marked in red in your calendar for months. You are slowly counting down to the big day, but before that, you have to pack all your things. So how do you start with this? Not only do you have to get your things right in the moving van, but you also have to unpack them afterward. To make this entire process run as quickly and efficiently as possible, we share our best packing tips with you.

Use colored stickers for every room

Colored stickers are not only useful in the office but also when structuring your moving boxes. Give each room in your new house a different colored sticker. This way, all items are bundled per room. If you then make a brief overview of which color sticker matches which room, the movers can see at a glance which boxes belong where.

Make a box of stuff for the first day

Nothing is more annoying than having to go through all the boxes after a hard day of moving to look for things that you need that same evening. For example, consider a toothbrush.

At such times it is useful to have a box on hand in which you collect all these items. What items do you best collect in this box? These are pajamas, toothbrushes, glasses, daily medication, and breakfast items. Use an ice pack or chilled packaging boxes to store your food better.

Even while moving, life goes on as usual. Therefore, pack things that are necessary for the proper functioning of your family separately. This can be done in separate moving boxes or in a suitcase. Keeping a favorite teddy bear handy can avoid an existential crisis for your child during the busy moving days!

Wrap your cabinets in foil

By wrapping your cabinets with foil, you ensure that your cabinets are less likely to be damaged during the move. In addition, the foil also ensures that the drawers of the cabinets remain neatly closed. If you work that way, you don’t have to put the small and light items in the drawers in moving boxes.

Put your books in a trolley or suitcase

For many, books are a pain in the ass to move. When you push them into moving boxes, the boxes become very heavy. But have you ever thought about pushing the books into a trolley or suitcase with wheels? That way you can easily roll them!

Pack crockery and glasses with wrapping paper

Do you want to avoid broken crockery or broken glasses during the move? Then wrap them with wrapping paper. In this way, you create a protective layer, and your glasses and crockery will be damaged less quickly. Don’t you have any wrapping paper available for your move yet? Click here to get a wide range of protective packaging materials.

Put your clothes in wardrobe boxes

Did you know that there are various boxes on the market to move your clothes quickly and efficiently?

Store your jewelry and screws in ziplock bags

Ziplock bags are one of the most useful inventions ever. You don’t just use them for the freezer. You can easily store jewelry in this during a move. That way, you don’t have to untangle them afterward. In addition, they are also useful for storing furniture screws. You can write the number of pieces and the furniture from which they come on these bags.

Close your bottles with foil

Many bathroom amenities are bottled. Just think of shampoos, day creams, soap, or body lotion. If these bottles open during the move, you will have dirty gunk all over your stuff. So you want to avoid this at all times. You do this by packing the bottles with zip lock bags or in plastic bags.

Photograph the cords of your electrical appliances

While packing, you can push all the cables of electrical appliances into boxes. But can you still see the forest for the trees when you unpack? To avoid small (and big) frustrations when assembling the devices, we recommend that you take a picture of the cables before packing the device. This way, you can easily put them back together afterward.

After the move, it’s time to pick up your kids and pets. You can also put the furniture in place and move it around a bit. Once the base is in place, you can start unpacking the boxes. Work per room so that you keep it clear. After the move, you can also get to know the new neighbors. By the way, check with the residents of your old house whether the mail is forwarded. That way you won’t miss any bills and important letters. Finally, inform the municipality of your new address.

These were our ten favorite tips that we want to pass on to every mover.

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