Can I qualify UPSC CSE / IAS Exam in 7 months?
The answer to this Question is both YES & NO. I am saying this based on my experience of 4-5 years in the Civil services Coaching Institute and my interaction with successful & unsuccessful candidates.
After Reading this Article You will be able to Know the following:
- Shall I prepare for UPSC CSE -2023? / Who Should Prepare?
- How to allocate time for Prelims & Mains?
- Importance of USC Syllabus & Previous Year Paper
- Few Tips & Strategy for Preparation – UPSC CSE -2023
- Importance of Revision & Current affairs
- Mock Test – Prelims & Mains
- Answer Writing Practice
- Interview Preparation Tips
Let us first discuss who Should Prepare for UPSC CSE -2023?
Anyone who has already appeared in IAS Exam earlier, they are aware of the Exam Pattern and have already written this Exam so they have already completed the entire syllabus once but due to some lacking they could not clear the Exam in the Past. They can definitely write this upcoming Exam scheduled on 28th May 2023. They need to find out the gap and work on it.
However what about those who are planning to write this Exam for the first time. If you are among those students who have not completed fundamental or basic books like NCERT and do not have Preparation of optional Subject then you may Plan for Next Year.
The First attempt must be given with full Preparation.
But if you are among that group of Students who have already started your Preparation a few months back and have completed some basic Books for specific subjects like History, Economics & Geography of classes – 11 & 12 then you may proceed to attempt UPSC CSE scheduled in 2023.
Time allocation for Prelims & Mains:
As per UPSC Calendar, the Prelims of UPSC CSE is scheduled on 28th May 2023. So, we have 7 months in hand counting from November.
Till February, the Preparation should be done for both Mains & Prelims. Post-February there must be exclusive Preparation from Prelims and only Prelims. You will be able to write Mains only when you have qualified Prelims.
Importance of Syllabus & Previous Year Paper:
It is inevitable for the CSE Aspirants to go through the Syllabus innumerable times so that the syllabus gets memorized. Once the syllabus is in your mind, it will help what to eliminate and not to read and what to Read. Which Source to refer to covers the syllabus?
The Syllabus For UPSC CSE needs to be decoded as it has a lot of implicit or hidden components. For that, you may refer below link where the Microanalysis of the Syllabus has been done wisely.
Previous Year Paper of UPSC CSE – Prelims & Mains:
Going through the Previous year’s Paper helps in analyzing the depth of Questions. Accordingly while reading any subject; we need to go into that much depth from which UPSC frames Questions. We are not going for Ph.D. and thesis after all. In fact, UPSC is looking for dynamic People who could be good Administrators and not professors.
Tips & Strategy for UPSC CSE 2023:
Revision & Current Affairs:
Every day at least 1 hour should be allocated for revision & current affairs each separately. So, 2 HRS must be allocated for revision & Current Affairs. If someone has Political Science or Public Administration as Optional this limitation of 2hrs could be more say 3hrs.
It is very important to allocate some amount of time for revision; Many Students do not allocate Time for Revision.
Similarly, Current Affairs is significant not only for Prelims but for all the stages Prelims, Mains & Interview. In Mains, there has been Paper in general Studies that requires incorporating Current issues to make one’s answer different from others to fetch better marks. Also, some of the Question demands illustration from the current scenario.
Mock test – Prelims & Mains:
Mock test helps in analyzing one’s Preparation and knowing one’s weakness. For Prelims, the Question is objective in nature and the time allocation is of 2hrs. Mock Test for Prelims helps in developing confidence if students complete the test in the scheduled time of 2 hrs.
Answer Writing Practice for Mains:
As the Mains Paper of UPSC CSE is subjective in nature so, Answer writing Practice is required. Writing practice helps students in writing articulated or organically designed answers.
As the saying Practice makes a Man Perfect. So, Practice, Practice & Practice.
The interview is the last stage of UPSC CSE but its Preparation has to be done along with the Preparation of Prelims & Mains. It is the test of one’s Personality and requires significant time for its development. No Candidate can be groomed with respect to Personality in 2 -3 months. It has to be developed gradually & consistently.
At last, I would quote one beautiful & most popular verse from Bhagwad Gita which has the potential to keep you motivated for this Prestigious Exam. In this 47th verse from chapter -2 of the Bhagwat Gita Shri Krishna states that One has freedom with respect to action only and not with the result of that very action. So, Shri Krishna suggests focusing on Action or karma only without worrying about the result. Also one must not Prey on inaction.
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