Photo by Deybson Mallony from Pexels
Often, people think that the lives of business owners aren’t stressful. From the outside, it seems all glamorous and successful all of the time. Though the grass may seem greener on the side of business owners, they do tend to the soil and water the grass just so it can grow as it is supposed to. Just like any other source of living in this world, managing a business can be a handful.
One of the markets that has been continuously growing over the last couple of years is the photo printing business. With the rise of e-commerce and technology, it may seem that photo printing is no longer a need in this day and age. But the truth is, e-commerce and businesses rely so much on professional photo printing for their operations.
If you’re here, you’re probably thinking of starting your photo printing business soon. Starting a business can be exciting and daunting at the same time. Most especially if this is your first time as a businessman. To help you plan your photo printing business well, here are 4 things for you to keep in mind.
1st: Assess your budget and decide whether you should start online first, or open a physical store.
One of the great perks of starting your own business is that nowadays, you have the option to start online. Whether you’re planning on selling products or other services, there’s the internet to help you get started.
First things first, decide on whether you’ll start your photo printing business online or open a physical store. If you have a tight budget, starting your business online can be a great move. Moreover, a lot of people now rely on the internet to have their needs done instantly.
Of course, if you have an extra budget for a physical store, that’s great. But, if you’re working on a limited one, you can take advantage of the internet to help you with your business. After all, social media and the internet are now the most influential mediums that influence consumer behaviour.
2nd: Leverage your brand through social media marketing.
With tip number 1, tip number 2 is all about making the most out of your brand’s online presence. Whether you plan to start your business online or open a physical store, building your online presence is a must. After all, social media is free. You’ve got nothing to lose.
As you plan for your photo printing business, work on your brand’s marketing scheme. Never underestimate the importance of marketing. Your business marketing will help you build your reputation and attract potential markets. Nowadays, a lot of small to medium-sized businesses work and collaborate with influencers.
Usually, businesses offer influencers freebies, discounts, or talent fees in exchange for brand posting. For example, if a brand decides to collaborate with a YouTuber, they can give the influencer their latest product. The influencer will then post a product review about the brand or create another video content about it.
In your case, as a professional photo printing business owner, you can give discounts and vouchers to the people you plan to collaborate with. Also, work on your marketing collateral too. Your brand’s colour theme, imagery, and design can affect and attract clients in ways more than you can imagine.
3rd: Decide on a product niche so you get to target the right audience accordingly.
If you take a look at a specific industry, you’ll see how diverse every business is under it. Now that anyone can start a business online, the competition is tighter than ever before. With that, businesses have no choice but to make their brand unique from the rest of the market.
That’s why having a product niche is now as important as the quality of a brand’s offerings. Let’s be honest. A lot of photo printing businesses offer the same products and services. What makes one popular and distinct from the rest is its niche and target audience.
One example I could give is a photo printing business that offers film processing services. If you shop around, you’ll see that almost all photo printing shops offer film processing. But, what makes a business unique from the rest is that they focus and provide different services related to film processing.
Usually, the most popular business would set a theme for their product and service line. Then, they’d market their ‘top’ service in a way that would attract their target market’s wants and needs. Decide on a product niche. That way, you get to align your marketing scheme and services to your target market accordingly.
4th: Prioritise product and service quality over quantity.
One of the common mistakes small businesses make when starting is that they offer too many products and services all at once. Now, why is it a mistake? The tendency is that your clients might avail themselves of the different services all at the same time. Usually, when this happens, quality is being neglected.
To ensure consistent and seamless service quality, it’s best to focus on a couple of offerings first. Since you’re just starting, it’s okay to start with 3 to 5 product services. Master and focus on the quality of your services so you get to build a good reputation for your photo printing business.
It’s better to be known for your products’ quality than to offer multiple services with inconsistent standards. Also, if you start with a small product line, it will be easier for you to work on your lapses. Thus, you get to focus on the areas that need improvement better.
It doesn’t matter how you start. It’s how your products and services are that matters most.
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed about starting your photo printing business, remember this. What matters is your brand’s products and services, not how you start. So, if you have a limited budget or are about to start your first ever business all alone, that’s okay.
Take all the time you need to master your products and services. Expect some bumps and roadblocks as you start, too. Those bumps will help and open your eyes to the areas that you need to improve on. One thing’s for sure. Your photo printing business will improve and grow as you go. Good luck with your business!
About the author:
Bianca Banda is a writer for DS Colour Labs Ltd (DSCL), a professional photography lab that offers a vast range of products and services to aid every photographer’s needs.